Friday, February 03, 2006

My Grandma as we remember her

My Grandmother led a fulfilling life,
Her selfless nature spills off onto her children,generation after generation, children of her children.
She is a friend of many,
Without a need for credit, she gives her friends aplenty.
When she left, they kneel, and cried on their knees.
Sad, we were supposed to feel.
Yet, happy we are still.
For my Grandmother is no more in sickness,
no longer getting ill.
For she now lives happily in our hearts and Heaven,
still alive and all so real.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Her Place

She won a prize

More Memories of my beloved Grandma

Not Forgotten

Her family

Her Opera Days

The Days of her life

Where she was before she left us I miss her

How can We ever forget her?

Her Homeland China